lauantai 6. helmikuuta 2016

Bagnon - Vanilla WoW Addons (1.12.1)
Complete 1.12.1 Addons List [Soon]

Bagnon is a wonderful addon that groups all your UI's bags into one visually pleasing ensemble, making sure that the player doesn't lose some much needed vision due to something as simple and banal as opening heir inventory. There are many alternatives with similar effects, but out of all the bag addons, Bagnon would have to be my personal preference.

Unneeded "bags" - or rather their slots - such as the one for keys, can be hidden with the press of a mouse button.

CS_AddonOrganizer - Vanilla WoW Addons (1.12.1)

Complete 1.12.1 Addons List [Soon]

CS_ AddonOrganizer is an absolutely must have addon for any addon enthusiast such as myself. It does little by itself, but it makes organizing other addons a hundred times easier and faster than through the game's default panel, to access which you would have to log out of your character. Instead, CS_AddonOrganizer lets you choose which addons you wish to have enabled or disabled in-game in two to three clicks, only having to press the "ReloadUI" button at the bottom of its interface, or use the /reloadui command in-game in order to have its effects go live.

The addon also features profiles, so you can easily make different sets of addons, for PvP and raiding for example, and switch between them on the go.


You can also use

/script CS_AddOnOrganizer_ListShowHide();
in a macro in order to access the addon, and the addon can even be keybound in the game's default keybinds' settings.